Why this Blog?


Welcome to this blog dedicated to my explorations as an independent musician in the vast territory of electronic and ambient music.

Why this blog?

I felt the need for an organized and coherent place of expression and posting, different from the rapid and ephemeral communication of social networks.

It's also a place to reflect on the creation of ambient music, with the limitless possibilities offered by new digital lutheries and the most inventive plug-ins, as well as the challenges posed by the dematerialization of music, most of which is now subject to the merciless world of download and streaming platforms.

This blog is also, indeed, a kind of "show room" for my musical productions, whose evolution and coherence I wish to demonstrate.

I'll also be writing about the music I listen to, the musicians I admire and who have influenced me, with album reviews based on my personal favorites.

Visitors will find the usual blog timeline, with posts tagged with labels to facilitate navigation.

These posts are complemented by more static pages, listed in the right-hand column of the blog: these pages include longer texts (interviews...), as well as orientation tables that allow visitors to trace their own itinerary through my various ambient albums, which I propose as a possible atlas.

Finally, this blog is written in English, to appeal to the widest possible audience. But everyone is welcome to comment in the language of their choice.

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