Saturday, June 8, 2024

Music and Words


Composing and recording music is for me an indispensable, essential form of personal expression... I have the impression of expressing and objectifying parts of myself that words cannot convey... There are undoubtedly many links between the music I create and the texts I may write at other times in my life...

Above all, this form of expression obeys a desire and an obviousness: to move from the writing keyboard to the musical keyboard is essential at certain times, often in the evening, in that transition time between day and night, between light and darkness, when sounds and silence take on new reliefs...

Basically, my compositions and the albums I build, often in parallel, are like the pages of a diary...

I write down states of mind, ideas, thoughts, memories, projects...

I create this music first and foremost for myself, as a soundtrack to my inner films, my days and nights...

I only release it, on Bandcamp and other platforms, after careful consideration, but in the end, I don't know whether I'm publishing a musical album or a notebook of my diary... Probably a bit of both... And the attentive listener will be able to read between the sounds and notes the words I haven't been able to say...

I currently have three albums well advanced in the “draft” section of my Bandcamp page.

The first is finalized and will soon be released... “Ambient Chamber Music”... The title says it all...

The second to come, a little later, is “Views of Mind”. A little more work and reflection on the order of the tracks... Release later this summer?

I recorded “Lignes de fuite” this evening, which could in fact become the first track on the album...

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